Gilles Meynard retired: “An eventful carreer with a lasting impact”
After working for Pro Sky for more than a decade, Gilles Meynard entered his well-deserved retirement this April.

After working for Pro Sky for more than a decade, Gilles Meynard entered his well-deserved retirement this April. “As a dear member of our international management team, Gilles has built our presence and reputation in the French market and developed innovative projects. He attracted great talent. His work for our company was essential and we are glad that we will continue to see Gilles’ lasting impact and heritage at Pro Sky”, says Armin Truger, founder and CEO of the international air travel service company.
We are most grateful for Gilles’ passion, contribution, and leadership over the past eleven years”, adds Truger, who values how Meynard has created an environment for colleagues to experience the multi-faceted world of air travel. After working for Air France, Air Vendée, TAT, AOM, Tower Air and Air Partner, Meynard joined Pro Sky in 2010. He is retiring in his final position as Director of Development. As an industry expert and member of the French association Les Entreprises du Voyage, Meynard was frequently asked by media to comment on aviation topics of public interest. He was also widely known for the annual Pro Sky famtrips, connecting event planners and group travel organizers with trending destinations. “An eventful career with a lasting impact”, Truger concludes, expressing confidence that they will continue to stay in close contact.
Over the years Gilles visited a total of 75 countries.

“The extent of his influence on the company is reflected in the talent he recruited”, states Miriam Mathwich, Director People. “He was always passionate about his team. Once he even recruited a new colleague on a ski lift”. Gilles Meynard therefore not only ensured a delightful working atmosphere but also sustainable successes. “Gilles has taken all his trainees as high as possible. His positive impact on our lives will be hard to match and will not be forgotten”, endorses Client Service Manager Mégane Salvi. Her colleague, Arminé Galstyan could not agree more. “Gilles has no equal in identifying overflying aircraft”, the Product and Service Manager smiles, emphasising that their mentor was loved for his humour and knowledge.
“Gilles always hired motivated talent with unique abilities, which helped us to go the extra mile”, adds Quentin Rouxel, Director Marketing and Product Development. “We could then count on a mosaic of colleagues with various backgrounds, cultures and competencies. A boost to developing online products aiming to simplify group and VIP flights such as Find & Fly”. Even when Gilles wasn’t involved in a strategic decision, it was often a connection with him that led to the outcome. “It was Gilles who introduced me to the industry 16 years ago. A decent, honest, upright manager with unshakeable values“, remembers Pro Sky’s new Director Sales Europe Francois-Xavier Camus, delighted they could work for the same company again.
“I have enjoyed working for the last 11 years with Pro Sky in an independent way. Our team has served loyal customers with charters to destinations as diverse as Sochi, the Solomon Islands, Kamchatka or Easter Island”, sums up Gilles, who visited a total of 75 countries. Is there any one thing he will definitely remember? “Our yearly customer trips when we invited 50 MICE agencies. I enjoyed working with the full support of our partners: airlines, hotel chains, DMC and Tourist Boards”. And even though retired, he will probably always keep an eye on his projects. “I hope that we will be able to complete the next trip, cancelled last year due to covid. It will be going to Helsinki and Espoo, the greenest cities of Europe in the happiest country of the world”.
Gilles with his team members Arminé Galstyan (left) and Mégane Salvi (right).

About Pro Sky: PRO SKY simplifies group flights. The international specialist for tailor-made flying offers a wide range of services from aircraft charter and airline tickets for groups, combination solutions and private jets through to worldwide airport and in-flight services. With offices in Cologne, Paris, Zurich and São Paulo, PRO SKY is an industry leader known for its innovative digital products such as Find & Fly. Further information can be found at
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